Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blog #1 this time around, The Catlins

Huh, it turns out you can just walk into Mordor, Johnny (and Boromir) were wrong all along.  Not that we have, we've just heard about it.  We did however walk into some beautiful country and have seen some amazing things since we last blogged.  Our first stop after Dunedin was the Catlins which is just south of Dunners (as we lovingly came to call it).  We stopped at Nugget Point which had huge boulders going out into the ocean.  The color of the water here is so amazing, crystal clear and turquoise. The waterfall is Purakaunui Falls which is a really popular spot for some unknown reason compared to the rest of the scenery.  We camped the first night at Purakaunui Bay and had fun climbing around on the boulders and Bobby even got to fish a couple of times.  While climbing around on the boulders we ran into a few yellow eyed penguins.  It was awesome to be so close to them and watch them in the wild.  The next night at Curio Bay we also saw hector dolphins in the bay, and they're very  friendly.  They swim all around and jump in and out of the water.  If it hadn't been cold and windy we could have gotten in and tried to swim with them.   It was a great start to the trip!
Kia Ora, Maegen 

1 comment:

Scott said...

Looks like you guys aren't having any fun. Don't worry, you all will be home sooner than you know!

It looks awesome, we miss you guys.